BlueStars Diesel Power Technology Co.,Ltd was founded in 2002, focus on diesel fuel injection system spare parts & assemblies.
Our products are Diesel Nozzle (includes types of DN..SD.., DN..PDN.., DLLA..S.., DLLA..SN.., DLLA..PN.., DLLA..P..,DSLA..P..,BDLL,AMBAC ADB and etcs); Diesel Plunger& Barrel (includes types of A, AD, P, PS7100, PS8500, MW, EP9, PD3, PD-3), Yanmar Plunger& T Elements; Delivery Valve (A,P,Same Pressure D.Valve,Same Capicity D.Valve,VE D.Valve) for VE Injection Pump &...
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